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Ecosystem - Coral Reef

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Dive deep to build your own ecological network in Ecosystem: Coral Reef, an animal family card game of marine competition. Players choose, pass, and arrange cards representing a diversity of organisms found in the Great Barrier Reef, including coral, clownfish, sea turtles, and sharks. Earn points by aligning animals with the habitats and food sources where they most flourish. Diversify your food web to maximize your bonuses. Each time you play, you build a one-of-a-kind ecosystem as you strive to balance the delicate connections between all living things. This ocean game for kids is played in two rounds. In each round, players are dealt ten cards each. They choose one card from their hand and place it in front of them, creating a 4x5 grid formation. Then, they pass the remaining cards in their hand to the next player. This continues until all cards are played, then a second round begins of picking and passing. Once two rounds are complete, players tabulate their scores and the player with the most diverse, sustainable ecosystem wins!